Workshops & cooking classes

2024 - 2025

Danish Food Culture

The frikadelle cooking class


Do you want to experience Danish, traditional food culture?

In this class you will learn to master the frikadelle when we meet up in the kitchen to make the traditional pork meat frikadelle combined with some tasty salads, crispy vegetables, a loved and traditional summer edition combo with new potatoes and for dessert a traditional, delicious granny style lemony bite. After cooking we will sit down and enjoy the meal and the company.
It is going to be absolute hygge.

What is a frikadelle?

It is the crispy, juicy ball of pork meat Danes eat for dinner, lunch, in a sandwich, on bread - it is convenient because it goes with just about everything. The traditional frikadeller (plural) or in slang "deller" or "dunser" is always made of minced pork meat or in some homes with a mix of pork and veal. The added ingredients may vary a little, because some families have their own traditions but the usual basics are: eggs, milk, flour, onions (and/or onion powder), salt and pepper.

So likeable

Join me in the kitchen at Maltfabrikken to learn the secrets to master a really tasty, juicy and likeable frikadelle. Kids love them, adults love them.... we all love and eat them all year round and they often end up in the lunch box on a piece of rye bread (rugbrød) if we have leftovers from dinner. The frikadelle is truly an important part of Danish food culture and very likeable.

The sort-of-frikadeller
We may have different versions of a frikadelle such as the chicken frikadelle or kyllinge-deller in slang / chicken-deller or a vegan version called vega-deller but these versions would never just be called frikadeller. Only the pork meat version qualifies as a frikadelle.

Please note that the frikadelle is not a meatball - Danes are very particular about that.

About sanseliv
My name is Charlotte and I love to cook with others. Food culture has always been an interesting area to explore on my journeys to different parts of the world. Especially diving into food cultures with locals and get to know the secrets of the everyday authentic meals.

I was raised in a commune where chldren and adults entered in a kitchen duty rotation. We had to cook once a week. Supervised by adults we learned to make shopping lists, cook dinner, wash the dishes, set the table and so on. Before getting into a tech career with websites and photography, I went to cooking school and had a couple of weeks training at Birmingham College of Food as part of curriculum. After that I worked in an industrial kitchen cooking healthy and fresh meals for approximately 200 older citizens at the local nursing home.



Dates in September coming soon.


Spiren at Maltfabrikken, DK-Ebeltoft


50 euro

All ingredients are organic.
This class is in English.
It is a small class of 6 people.


Please get in touch if you have any questions or wish a cooking class on other dates.

Looking for a vegan class?

You are welcome to send an email if you're looking for a vegan or vegetarian frikadelle cooking class.

Dansk madlavningskursus

Ønsker du/I at lave mad i en mindre gruppe eller som et teambuilding event, så lad os tage en snak om det.

In need of accomodation?

I recommend the calm yet central ibsens gaard with a shared kitchen to store any leftover frikadeller from class. They are very tasty on a piece of bread or as a cold snack.

Go to ibsens gaard

Danish Food Culture

The frikadelle sandwich cooking class


Do you want to experience Danish, traditional food culture?

In this class you will learn to master the frikadelle when we meet up in the kitchen to make the traditional pork meat frikadelle sandwich with delicious homemade ingredients and pickles to juice it up a little and make it street food style. This is not a rye bread sandwich but an actual bun / burger version similar to the frikadelle sandwich you can buy at some sandwich shops and supermarkets. After cooking we will join eachother at the table to eat the food.
It is going to be absolute hygge.

The pork meat frikadelle

The traditional frikadeller (plural) or in slang "deller" or "dunser" is always made of minced pork meat or in some families a mix of pork and veal. The added ingredients may vary a little, because some families have their own traditions. The usual basics are however: eggs, milk, flour, onions (and/or onion powder), salt and pepper.

So likeable

Join me in Spiren at Maltfabrikken to learn the secrets to master a really tasty, juicy and likeable frikadelle. Kids love them, adults love them.... we all love and eat them all year round and they often end up in the lunch box on a piece of rye bread (rugbrød) if we have leftovers from dinner. The frikadelle is truly an important part of Danish food culture and very likeable.

The sort-of-frikadeller
We may have different versions of a frikadelle such as the chicken frikadelle or kyllinge-deller in slang / chicken-deller or a vegan version called vega-deller but these versions would never just be called frikadeller. Only the pork meat version qualifies as a frikadelle.

Please note that the frikadelle is not a meatball! Danes are very particular about that.

Hit the buy ticket to get to the godjurs website and save your spot on this cooking class.

This class is in English.

About sanseliv
My name is Charlotte and I love being in the kithcen with others. Food culture has always been an interesting area to explore on my journeys to different parts of the world. Especially diving into food cultures with locals and get to know the secrets of the everyday authentic meals.

I was raised in a commune where chldren and adults entered in a kitchen duty rotation. We had to cook once a week. Supervised by adults we learned to make shopping lists, cook dinner, wash the dishes, set the table and so on. Before getting into a tech career with websites and photography, I went to cooking school and had a couple of weeks training at Birmingham College of Food as part of curriculum. After that I worked in an industrial kitchen cooking healthy and fresh meals for approximately 200 older citizens at the local nursing home.


Dates in September coming soon


Spiren at Maltfabrikken, DK-Ebeltoft


50 euro

All ingredients are organic.
This class is in English.
It is a small class of 6 people.


Please get in touch if you have any questions or wish a cooking class on other dates.

Looking for a vegan class?

You are welcom to send an email if you're looking for a vegan or vegetarian frikadelle cooking class.

Dansk madlavningskursus

Ønsker du/I at lave mad i en mindre gruppe eller som et teambuilding event, så lad os tage en snak om det.

Dansk workshop

Retreat søndag

sanseliv er gået sammen med Hanne H. yoga om at lave en workshop til din hjerte-energi. Læs mere om vores retreat søndag ved at klikke her. OBS: denne retreat dag foregår på dansk.

Træd ind i hjertets energi og find roen på vores retreat dag lige i hjertet af Hjarbæk. Vi kommer til at undersøge hjerte-energien, når vi går på opdagelse, oplever, mærker og sanser, for at bevæge os ind i hjertets energi.

Med en holistisk tilgang, får vi viden om kroppens energicentre, også kaldet chakraer, der rummer uvurderlig viden til selvudvikling. Ved at koble arketyper på energierne, får vi konkrete temaer, vi kan arbejde med for at opnå selvindsigt og selvaccept. Måske når vi helt ind til selvkærlighedens kilde...... Læs mere

Workshop om hjerte-energi

Søndag d. 2. juni

Fra: 9-17

Get in touch / skriv her

Please get in touch if you have any questions or maybe a request for other dates for cooking classes, a desire to arrange a cooking class for a small group of people as part of your journey, or want to recieve information about future cooking classes.

Du er meget velkommen til at skrive, hvis du ønsker et frikadellekursus på dansk eller har samlet en gruppe af deltagere til et frikadelle eller vega-delle kursus.